These are some images of the MakeHuman base_mesh just completed:
Next step will be to create the targets for the morphing… watch out at Kino3d!
These are some images of the MakeHuman base_mesh just completed:
Next step will be to create the targets for the morphing… watch out at Kino3d!
That looks friggin fantastic!! Beautiful work.
wohoooooo :o
Great work!!!
cya henrik
very nice! i like the colors
forearms, fingers, and kneecaps look very odd, and forehead has some unnatural ridges…
im pretty sure this is a guy, the only thing that makes me skeptical is a slit in the “you know what” area… lol put a penis there
very detailed, excellent job, especially on the upper torso, and i love the suttle rib cage! it looks perfect
You are an asset to the Blender Community. Supurb work. I will be checking for updates.
Tha MakeHuman Basemesh is thinked without gender and without age, because in the MH script we add a morphing target like “female”, “male”, “old”, “young”, “fat”, etc…
Good Work!!
And btw, the muscle distribution is correct enough (thi’s very dificult thing)
I’m Sure MakeHuman will be soon, one of the most used scripts.
Congratulations to everybody in the MakeHuman team!
dang that is cool, looking foreward to seeing more
whoa this is a script thats being worked on??
is it gonna be anything like poser?
Do a search for “MakeHead”, a script by Manuel. Then you know what MakeHuman will be: FANTASTIC!!! (And WTF is “Poser” ?
To env & Manuel: :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
Thanks all for the comments.
X Imgranpaboy: your criticism is perfectly correct but, as Manuel already explained, the base_mesh is only a starting point for different morph target, so it has only to contain the right vertices number to work with; the hands, knees, etc. will be fixed in shape by morph targets, and the genitals you see in the images contains both female and male gender possibility (as I’m going to illustrate in future post)… documentation explaining all the points is ready and will be posted as soon as possible.
MakeHuman is supposed to be better than Poser!
:o :o
i have seen small bits of this in the past but HOLY SHI**T
i have a feeling that there will be a whole lot of cheap blender pornos after this is finished
he he he it is marvelouse and i think you should ask people to sponser you (unless yo have plans to make people pay already)(but i think you are just doing it for the community so thanks a heap)
maybe we will now have alot of humans in blender.
and perhaps pros will begin to use it alot.
:o :o :o :o
And WTF is “Poser” ?
do a search… poser’s a 3d “modeling” package for creating humans and humanoids… i put modeling in quotes becuase with a few clicks of the mouse, the damn program does the work for you… poser is such a perfect name for it though!
/hates poser
env, i understand now that i now its a script =) its looking great
MakeHuman is supposed to be better than Poser!
:-? :-? bah, itll be like a tv remote, people just get too lazy to do things for themselves =(
We are working hard to put online an alpha version. For
example, take a look here: I’ve post a lot of test and sample…
Alltaken wrote:
he he he it is marvelouse and i think you should ask people to sponser you (unless yo have plans to make people pay already)(but i think you are just doing it for the community so thanks a heap)
Well, if anybody would sponsor me… just jocking.
The MakeHuman project will be totally free for the whole Blender Community; the mesh will be freely available for anyone.
Thanks for your comment.
Haha, I know what Poser is, haven’t you seen the smiley? I have Poser 3.0, it’s a nice toy, could be usefull to popularize(?) arichtectural scenes.
haven’t you seen the smiley?
lol i seriously did see it! and i was skeptical as i posted =)
i would love to be able to write something like this makehuman thing! i always wanted to script but never had the interest to learn =\