MakeHuman Female Portrait

Very nice work at this unique beauty and interesting case off process.

By mib

P.S. Give linux another chance and try opensuse.

Probably my last effort on this model (4.6M verts, 8 hours render, 1600 raytracing samples/ pixel). Much work in these latter stages: hair converted to mesh, new skin material, new lighting, irises reworked, flower added, materials conversions, studio replaced by outdoor location etc etc.

Most important of all, after much trialling and switching I decided to opt for LuxRender as my first choice renderer. I think I’ve made a great leap forward, I don’t seem to have to put in as much effort on materials - and the lighting and shadows take care of themselves.

Thanks to the developers -

MakeHuman 0.9.1 RC1
Blender 2.49a 64 bit
LuxRender 0.6 RC4 64 bit
Ubuntu 9.04 64 bit

  • and of course you people who make this world better.
