Makehuman import issue


When importing a MKH model from makehuman I am following this way

  • In pose mode, create a pose using the bones.
  • moving the object, scale and rotate it in object mode.
  • to save the pose as object: in object mode select the mesh and male a copy (Maj + D)
  • select the duplicated object and go to the modifier to apply it.
  • unlock the transform modifications
  • go to object tab > relations: unparent the object

At this moment I’m loosing the original transformations: scale, rotate, move.

What have I to do to keep those transformations from the original pose?

Thanks for help

Your steps are unclear.
What you do in Blender and what in Makehuman?

My guess with this information would be:
Don´t unparent the object


From Makehuman I just import a rigged model as Mkh2. Than I make the pose in blender. I have to unpraent to work on the object usign sculpt mode or work ont the model as simple object. The goal is to export for 3d printing. So I have to make the objet as single object . It’s why I’m loosing the tranfsform actions on the object.
Is there a way to keep them after unparenting?

So you have an armature and a male or female base mesh parented to the armature,right?

You do your pose and then you select the base mesh.
After that you go to the modifier panel and apply the armature, then you can sculpt, but there is no turning back from that point, so e.g. you cant parent the base model after sculpting, then you have to weightpaint everything again.

By the way, you know of Manuel Bastioni Lab