I like the model. How long did it take Env to model it (it’s maybe in the discussion but I can barely understand Italian, though I would love to.)
Here’s some piece of idea:
Do you plan to include animation capabilities? I mean attach the model to an armature and allow linear animation through some sliders and insert keys whenever the user requires it.
wow this is coming along great. Great modeling env. This program is going to be so cool. It is also coming along very fast considering the scope of what you are doing. Well done to all involved. I am really looking forward to playing with and using BlenderMakeHuman.
At the moment we are writing only morphing function…
I’m doing a few experiments to use morphing not only
in character look, but in the pose too. But for now no good
After a good, stable morphiong function, we can try to see
the armature calibration…