
Hi there!

Since there is no english documentation on the MakeHuman Homepage, I want to ask, weather there is someone, hwo can explain the usage of make human to me.


what is this project?

i found one some weeks ago but since python in the os x version is broken i cannot use it!


MakeHuman? That’s a python script, that makes an human charakter with exact anatomy, but allows you to change the different parts of the body with a simple graphical interface.

Did you read the quickstart? ->

Yes, I did, but there is no much informaton about using the ready model in Blender, e.g. IK…


Hi Sebastian, Make human works using some targets. Every Targets represent a sigle attribute of your model (for example the body fatness) and the usage of Make Human is simply done giving different values at each target.
Since we are working to the new manual and to the first of a series contest, stay tuned here and in MH homepage and you and everyone interested will have simple and clear doc. in few time.

Lorenzo - MakeHuman team

Thank You very much, Lorenzo.