I’m trying to get Make Tree to work.
I got MakeHuman to work fine, I have Python23 installed.(Must I revert to 2.0?) The error in blend says check console, it says Name Error: global name “lsystem_build” is not defined.
Using Blender 2.32
(and like I say, MakeHuman works fine)
Python 2.2.3 is the preferred version to work with Blender. Check the Lsystem (is it officially MakeTree now?) docs. I’ll bet it requires 2.2.3.
I reverted back to Python2.2 and while I was at it found a mistake I made. In the Autoexec. I made a typo, once refering to 22 instead of 23. Anyhow now it works, but I can’t get leaves on it. Still getting the error “module” object has no attribute ‘const’
I’ve had this error before and figured it out, but any clues would be welcome.
Still no luck with adding leaves. Is there an example of settings used to make a tree?
Do I need to parent it like with a Duplivert?
leaves work fine for me. i recently left a couple of zips with presets in this forum in a thread entitled ‘lsystem settings needed’.
Thanks but I copied those settings and still got the error message only when I try to generate with leaves. And the console still says;
Attribute error:“module” object has no atribute ‘Const’
I also looked through the tutorial. Nice. But no mention of this error.
hm, try checking the other lsystem threads, it seems like someone else had a no leaves problem. i can’t remember if they solved it or not though.
<edit> btw I put my presets in a folder at the head of my c drive called ‘lsystem’, then when i type in the name of the file, such as ‘treechunk3’ it loads automatically when you press load.
Someone had the same problem with Lsystem 1.1 commenting out line 61 and mabey 62 fixed it . In Vers 1.2 those lines are gone, yet I have the same prob. I’ll see if I can find 1.1 …
Found it., well, neo_lstseed.blend from a french tutorial site. Seems to make leaves o.k., I may have to parle’ franse’ to learn how to run it right. (My apoligies now and in advance to any francophones whos ears I am about to trample upon…)