January 17, 2007, 10:34pm
Hello there, I was trying to create a wooden barrel like this:
I’m just not sure how to make the sides of the barrel curve like that without using something like catmull-clark. Any thoughts?
P.S. if your remark has to do with bezier curves please be specific becuase i’m pretty new to using those.
January 18, 2007, 12:49am
Here’s a quick effort of mine. I hope it gives you inspiration. Just remember to use loop cuts (ctrl-r) to control the sharpness of edges and you should be fine.
Too bad one cannot upload .blends here.
January 18, 2007, 1:26am
Edit Thank you. I figured out a good to model my barrel thanks for the quick reply!
January 18, 2007, 1:59am
Quick tute ® :
Make a circle (8 verts).
Extrude it upwards a bit. (This will represent the upper half of the barrel.)
Add mirror modifier to the object and set it to Z.
Add subsurf modifier to the object. Levels 2/2 might be a good pick. Perhaps set render level to 3?
Model the basic shape of the barrel by scaling and moving the upper circle loop.
Extrude and scale the upper circle loop inwards to make the crease in up.
Model the top by extruding, scaling and moving. Finally merge (alt-m) verts to the their center to finish it.
Use ctrl-r to add additional loops to make the needed creases sharper. The closer the loops are, the sharper the crease.
If you want, you can add the rings by making cuts and extruding the created face loops (regions) for instance.
Set the model smooth before rendering. The model in my image is set solid just to show the topology.
Maybe the lattice modifier might help deform your mesh without needing to use catmull clark subdivision.
what about the spin command?
January 20, 2007, 7:25am
Of course you can model the profile and spin it, yes.
One alternative I forgot to mention was curves. You could use circle bevOb on path curve and then set profile as its taper. Of course this solution has its problems but it can be quite useful in certain cases.