Making A Face with 5 Verts?

So… I’m working on a model, I don’t want to really go into detail, because its somewhat hard to explain, but my question can pertain to just about any other model.

There is one area of the mesh that I need to make a face on, but I cant have it be a quad and a triangle, because then it makes it harder to work with that section later on, I also try and minimize the number of triangles in my work.

So the main question is: Can I create a mesh with 5 verts?

I know I can make one by hitting F when 3-4 verts are selected, and I have a feeling that the lack of this ability is due to the lack of Bmesh integration which I have seen be the case of many issues on other topics and forums in regard to 2.54 Beta (which I am using.)

If it isn’t possible in 2.54, how about 2.49?

Thanks in advance!

No, a face can only be made from 3 or 4 vertices
In 2.49 you can fake it by selected adjacent faces and F / Make F-gon. This hides some of the edges to look like it has more than 4 sides but in reality it doesn’t, it is a fake n-gon.
See the top face in this object with 6 vertices

… that’s unpleasant…

There wouldn’t happen to be plans to incorporate N-gons would there?

N-Gons are already in a development branch called BMesh. There’s still work to do before they are in official releases. See these links:

Dev blog:

Feedback thread:

Builds (search BMesh):

I read this thread, went away, then came back…
This will be addressed by BMesh, as I understand it, but that misses the point.
Workflow with all kinds of software requires “clean meshes” and good poly-flow, both of which are not helped by NGons. They may be fine for a temporary phase of modeling, but really should be resolved into quads and tris, with the emphasis on quads, tucking the tris into out of the way places. There are already way too many long threads on this subject. New modelers use them routinely, “seasoned” modelers don’t at all, saves a lot of hassles down the pipe line as assets get moved along and different software contributes. Hey, but what do I know??? :slight_smile: