Making a mesh deform from 2 other meshes

I wanted to make the blue part react to eyes (1) and face (2) deformation/animation?
Tried mesh deform not good
tried surface fecorm. can’t assign vertex groups
tried shrink wrap. not good

Can it be done with modifiers?

How are you animating the face? Armature? Shapekey?

Typical armature for eyelids has methods to keep the eyelid at a constant distance from the center of the eye (limit distance, or parented to rotating bones with origins at the center of the eye). Given that, you shouldn’t need to worry about how the eye rotates, unless you want to squash and stretch or do something else unrealistic.

Except for with the corneal bulge. What I’d recommend, if you need that level of detail, is to create the corneal bulge with a warp modifier-- then you can use the exact same modifier to create the bulge on both the eye and the eyelid.

As for the rest of this structure, it really should only be affected by the face’s animation. If the face is using bones, then use bones to deform this structure. You should be able to copy weights from the rim of the exterior eyelid. But really, I think it’s a mistake to have this inner eyelid be a separate object, it should be part of the face mesh, it should be weighted with the face mesh. Addition of this structure might require some retuning of eyelid bones, might require some reweighting of surrounding mesh.

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my eye is not core centered and I aim to keep it that way.
wrap works to SOME extend.
No bones
but I want the blue object to respect the eye socket aswell.
I think I’m setting up mesh deform wrongly.

here is the model:

and making bones for it sounds very messy.