Making blueprints of human by lifesize sketches

Hi i just sketched a female person on 16 DIN A4 pages all landscapeoriented and by two collums tapped on my rooms door. One half i used for half of front and some backside features and the other half for the side view and scanned them at 200 dpi as grayscale tiffs, but now i have to vektorizese them for pushing it in shape using therefore Inkscape under GNU Lizenze and its integrated vektoriziser potrace which works good as far i experienced.

But is this the right approach at all? Lifesize cause i know the person and so i can better get a feeling for the proportions and make them right. And how to get rid of those greyish background wich thisturbs the recognition at its best way?
And what is better? Firt vectorisize and then stitch or stitch pictures and then vectorisize but than i have to handle a 27 MB on disk file in gimp and later in vektor programm.
Ok its partly other software but the application is on modelling issues.

Thx in advance on tipps or further hints.

The “right approach,” I would think, involves taking some drawing classes and learning how to see, artistically. :yes:

Your obsession with creating art through specifying F-stops and paper sizes just seems a bit strange to me. :rolleyes:

This sounds like a very complicated way of obtaining a bezier curve that you can manipulate in Inkscape. If your female person friend is willing to stand against the door while you sketch her, perhaps she would be willing to let you take her photograph from the front and the side. Use as long a lens as you’ve got access to, to minimize perspective distortion, and use the photos as background references in Blender, or trace their outline on a layer in Gimp.

Or take a digital photo of the drawings taped to the door, and skip the scanning and stitching.

uah classes no i dont think that would work i am more a autodidaktik type of learner and camera is to expensive for me at the moment especially with tele. But because i standed close enough to her i am more able to remembering what shape she has than making it traditionally or with fotographs.What now is in some way out of shape is her head especially in the cranium part and to get the legs and hips in perfect shape in all of them in from the side front view i think i got good enough have to show them when i am ready with transforming the tiffs to pre blueprint sketch/es.
F stops you mean for vektors?
PS: i am havin an anatomic book and also sketching learning book for artists and manga drawing book from my brother but manga i think wont help on this all the way.