If I have multiple cameras in a scene, how do I specify which camera is the active one?
Select the desired camera and press Ctrl-Num PAd 0
You can toggle between two cameras with Alt-Num Pad 0
Thanks, and if I’m using a laptop w/ out Num pad, is there still a way to do this the long way?
pull down the top thing (the info buttons) and turn on emulate numpad
this will turn the laptop’s number keys (the ones above the letters) into the numpad keys, but you loose their current functionality (layers) but you can always click for that.
Umm, laptops have numlock keys too, you sure you don’t?
ususally they turn keys around 789 uio jkl into number keys. Turn off numlock when done because it can be confusing.
Hey coool, didn’t know you could do that! I have been searching for a way for a while to emulate Num pad. Great!
2 more questions…
I have a Numlk/ScrLk button on laptop (didn’t know that was there either). I have activated it but still no luck in number functionality w/ those keys you mentioned. Any other tips to get it working?
I pressed Alt num pad and Ctrl num pad 0 to change camera angles which is good - can I do this for more than 2 cameras, say 3, 4 etc? Should I name the cameras in that case so I can just jump straight to them?