Making crowd look one point of interest while surrounding it


I’ve hit a wall on building a scene where point of interest is surrounded by a crowd and is staring at said point of interest.
I’ve linked a collection of .abc models prepared in different blend file.
Created area on which those models are going to be and via geometry nodes created instances of said characters.
Unfortunately I can’t find a way for them to be directed towards one spot.
Most “generic crowd with geometry nodes” vid/tutorials are about walking crowds and rotation is there random on purpose.

For example here this crowd should be facing the monkey head, but they don’t.

I even split the circle mesh into 4 hoping that will help, but nope. Including moving the origin point of them into different places, but they’ still looking in random directions.

And yes, the models by default face same direction in blend file that uses those abc models.

And that’s the nodes config I have (note that Empty isn’t said head, but is inside it, model is just as visual reference point).
I even tried plugging it into Vector input (Align Euler in Vector), but then instead standing they all were pointed with their heads towards POI.

I’m not familiar with geometry nodes, so I’m just introducing videos. :sweat_smile:
In the image, the Raycast node is used to arrange in the desired direction.

A video that covers several examples of similar content.
You can see it from the play point.
If it helps, it would be good to look at the whole thing.

It’s quite late here, and I’ve no time to create a specific setup - but, take a look at this screenshot. I’ve outlined the bit which may help get your rotation a bit more sorted.

It works in directing them towards POI but only when using Curve Circle node, which doesn’t look like a crowd, but a ritual xD
Tried to mix it with my previous node setup, but then they again have random spin.
When using your rotation setup, but using Distribute Points on Faces node, they all just look in one direction.