Making faces planar? Sliding Vert along edge?

I have a couple of questions regarding modelling, In-specifically having to do with the two mentioned in the header.

  1. There have been multiple occurrences where I’ve wanted to make two unlike faces and make them planar. Basically flatten them out in relation to each other without joining them as one. Is there a way to do so?

  2. There has also been times where I’ve subdivided an edge and I want to slide said vertex along the edge. The only way I can do that so far is to select a far vert on the edge, set cursor to it, tell it to focus around 3d cursor instead of median, and scale up or down. This is a pain and I feel it’s too many steps for a should be easy task. Is there a way to constrain a transform so that the edge remains a straight line?

Your help is appreciated.


What version of Blender are you using?

In 2.5 there’s an “Edge Slide” button in the Tools window (to the left of the 3D window) when you’re in edit mode. That will fix that problem.

Do you have an example of your #1 problem? Faces are (by definition) planar, so it’s better if we see what you’re hoping to do.

2.5 I saw edge slide and tried to use it and nothing happened, im probably not selecting something. The way Blender uses faces they actually can not be planar on occasion, the edge forming the two tris still exists, while not being directly manipulated it can make a strange bent face. Here is a better example of what I’m trying to fix though. The two selected faces I want to be on the same plane, flat in relation to each other.

I’ll fiddle with edge slide for a bit. Thanks for the suggestion.


I know this is a few months old. I was looking for a technic on how to do this. I did find a way to do it in 2.5. You need to select the verts that make the edge and create a Transform Orientation of that egde (normal). Then select the vert that you want to move and select the proper orientation.

Hope this helps some else when they search for it.


There is a ‘Vertex Slide’ addon for 2.5x btw.

( you might not be able to download it from the site link on the youtube info panel…)
I had to download it from a build that includes all contributed scripts. it’s wonderful!

To flatten faces normally what you do is to select all the vertices, than scale it to zero in X, Y or Z axis. Then rotate it back to where the surface was. This works ok so long as flattened faces is not too far off main axis plane.

om 2.49 you can use Ctrl-Alt C and select edge
then you can slide vertex along that edge!

same thing in 2.5 but not same command

  1. That’s Ctrl-Shift-C in 2.49
  2. It’s Ctrl-Alt-Space in 2.5

happy new year
