making group real?

i know there is a make dupli real button,

i was wondering if ther is also a make group real button???


iu would really appreciate if someone could tell me

a group is just a collection of objects, sometimes of different types. If you are asking is there any way to make them all one object, the answer is “not with the ones of different types” but “yes, you can join multiple objects of the same type by selecting them and pressing J or maybe ctrl-J to Join them all together into one big object.” For example, you can join 4 mesh objects together into one complicated mesh object.

i do not want to make them all one object, since i have sorta like a giant robotic leg, with several objects, and an armature

i made them a group, and then made multiple instances of this group for each of the legs

i wanted to know if i can make each group into real objects, so that then i have 8 legs
and can edit each leg independently

sorta like dupli verts, where each object is affected as u edit the root object, but once u make them real

cnrt + shift+ a i believe, then i can edit all the objects idependedntly since they are all real objects and no longer instances of teh objects

i am wondering if i can dot the same with the groups

How did youmake “instances”? If you dupliverted/dupligrouped them the Shft-Ctrl-A should work. If you Alt-C copied them then use U to make them Single User.
