making human models

any one know where i can finde tuts for making models of humans?

thanks, levon

your best bet is to wait for the new “make human” script

your best bet is to wait for the new “make human” script

True in some cases. But, its not always a good idea to rely on a “Go” button. Sometimes you need to learn stuff by the process.

I got a link for ya, its pretty good, although its not Blender specific, but you’ll get the jist of it:


Thats about what i can think of right now,…i know theres more but i cant seem to remember it…

Hope this helps.

what the hell is the make human script. Is it like the head maker script?

hmm. me no like script replacing my skills. but good in the long term i guess.


who’s doing this, or was it a joke in the first place?

Hello levon
try those here:

maybe they’re helpfull.