making poly surfaces out of beziers?

I was wondering about how to get some nice poly surfaces based on beziers curves
if anyone know Lightwave a bit there’s a tool called spline patcher, you can simply select 4 intersecting splines, hit ctrl+f, input how many polys do you want vertical and horizontal and voila! very usefull
some decent description you can find here, in this tut:
any tips to get such a nice workflow in Blender? with the ability to control the number of vertices in created planes?

Blender uses Surfaces (Add >> Surface >> Whatever) but they’re not as sophisticated as you describe.


so maybe it would be good idea to post it in the forum? as a feature request?
I had an occasion to use this tool in LW, it is simply great, and very, very easy to use, giving great results
maybe a phyton plugin could do something like that? if any one would give it a try I could provide any knowledge I have about it, and some extra worklflow screentshots if needed