Making realistic glass in tuhopuu.

Realistic glass and refracting matirials at all are hard to achive in blender :frowning: And for some people YAFRAY or any other external renderer is not an option due to the need to use scripts wich not always works and some times requiers knowledge in python scripting (though basic still far fetched for some of us). And so I ask you good people of the blender scositie to help me (as I heard it’s posible in tuhopuu) to make realistic glass.

:wink: thanks in advance.

This is the first tutorial I found when doing a google search. As far as I know, this is the most realistic glass you can make with Blender.

I know that tuhopuu has a IOR slider in the material settings but I dont know how to use it. As far as YAFRAY goes, it really isn’t that hard to use. The Blender community as well as the Yafray community would gladly help you get started. Theres more then enough documentation to get you started. As far as I know, its more trouble to find a way to make sort of realistic glass in Blender or tuhopuu than it is to just use YAfray and get MUCH better results.

sorry I can’t help you more right now… I’ll look around and see if I can find a better way tho :slight_smile:

keep blending!


I won’t reccoment taht tutorial, it is quite outdated, thuophuu has much more interesting features


That’s the worst spelling of tuhopuu ever. :stuck_out_tongue:


thuophuu has much more interesting features

Is there a place where these features are explained? I know that the tutorial I suggested is outdated and does not produce believable results, but I couldnt find anyplace where tuhopuu was explained.


Oh, I’m sorry for the spelling mistake… though I must admit that if I can’t pronounce the word, I can’t write it (stupid isn’t it?)… so how do you pronounce it anyway?
