Hi everyone here is a little long procedure to explain.
Aim:- Rigid body animations through XNA libraries. Model created in blender 2.56 will be given to code.
I created a 3D humanoid model with multiple meshes.
I created all body parts separately using mirror modifiers. Now I created all bones and attached them, means made a skeleton,
I am supposed to code some gestures in the XNA code which I had written for displaying the model. I need bone matrices for that and bones should be parents of individual meshes.
Each individual mesh should be child of previous mesh, like upper arm mesh should be child of torso mesh(chest mesh), hand mesh should be child of lower arm mesh e.t.c.
Is this way of parenting correct.
meaning first parenting the meshes and next parenting entire collection of meshes to the skeleton. i used CTRl+p fpr parenting skeleton to collection of meshes and just ‘p’ to parent meshes.
Ultimately I want to move entire body part along with the bone using kinematics.