Making shadows with vertex colours?


I’ve heard this is possible. Is there a tutorial describing how to?

Every time I’ve played with vertex colours, I end up with a horrible black mess!!

I’m working on an exporter to a game format which supports vertex colours, so it would be great to use them effectively.

Cheers Stephen

I guess you are talking about a light map. To make a light map, light your object, then in edit buttons press the ‘make’ button that says ‘vertcol’. then in materials, select ‘col light’. Also you can fake shadows by using vertex paint or tex paint.

hi man
strange things hapen…when I add object and lamp to the scene and switch 3dwindow to the ctrl + z (shaded solid) the object is always black :frowning:
but…I have an examle from this thread
and in this file it works correctly. I sought almost everywhere I it seems that both files is identical.

do you know where I have a problem?

thx jm

the location and type, and energy (and color) of your lamps matter

regular lamps with the sphere button set, or spots with the sphere button set are useful

the problem was that i haven’t cam in scene. this is strange reason of it, but…

thx jm