Making Trees for real time?

Alright Basicly here is the story, I’m trying to work on some tree models for a game (Won’t be using BGE)
Right now I’m using ngplant because its good its easy and it creates nice trees

Now my problem comes when I get to adding the actual leaves to the trees what I’ve been trying to do is use a Branch image about and apply it to the “Planes” along the branches of the trees to make it look like little branches and leaves

Although this works fine It doesn’t look good enough it looks more like a dying tree then a healthy full bodied tree

My only other method I considered trying is making a Dome and applying a texture to it to make a sort of bush look but Idk yet I haven’t tried it

I also can’t just increase the number of Planes on the tree because
1.) It doesn’t look much better
2.) it crashes my comp when I try to UV it all at the same time

Any way so my question is what methods do you have for making Life like trees
and do you have any resources that could make it easier for me

Please remember I’m going for real time not render


Sorry If I made a mistake on where to post this or any thing
This is my first day on here

most trees in games are just a texture with an alpha channel. you can model a tree as dense as you want, then set render buttons to RGBA and ’ premul ’ ( pre multiplied alpha ) and file type to .png, make a render, then just it on a plane as a texture. You can make trees that are just one polygon, or depending on what angles they need to be viewed at, several polygons. btw, you might also wish to try the new ‘tree from curves’ script, allthough the documentation on it is still pretty sparse.

Ya, If I get what your saying correctly, Its a Cut out method kinda like how I was saying I used the Branches on my trees
The only problem with that trees count as soild objects as well as they can be effected by weapons and what not, 2D Won’t work for this situation
Thanks though
P.S I’m not sure thats what you where refering to thats just what I got from it sorry if I misinterpreted

Well, you could make the trunk and branches as a model, but still use textures for the leaves. I don’t know what game youre making, but in most games it doesn’t matter if you collide with a leaf, right? Also, you could use an invisible object to define the collision area, then it wouldn’t matter if you were just using criss crossed planes with a texture, or whatever.