Makoto (low-poly anime girl)

A character for a game project (using a custom engine). I hope armature support for Python gets implemented soon, I’d prefer using Blender over Milkshape (or would anyone recommend another free-verylow$ package?) for animation.

Is there any way to prevent Blender from creating UV-errors in VRML-imported models? It tends to turn one face’s UV-coords around one vert, when I delete the face and mirror it over from the other side, another face gets corrupted instead. I don’t know whether it’s just a display error in Blender or appears in the exported mesh as well…

Great model and texture! I’d love to see it animated. Also for your information, python/armature support should be in version 2.28 with the new Python code.

Neat :slight_smile: anyone with purple hair gets my approval {I’ve always wanted purple hair even though it would look terrible on me}. The purse thingy looks like it might be better if it were off to one side or the other, but I don’t know if that’s how they wear them in Japan or what. {straps might be good on the purse and pack, but that might be too hard on your poly count, I don’t know}


Nice work, well modelled and texturised!!


to achieve the Monkeydom, I will say this:

Her bag looks somewhat like the “nutbag” the scots carry with the kilt :slight_smile:
but nice texturing anyway :wink:

That is a very nice anime game model, very good job on that. I also hope your game works out well, if this char is any indication, your game will look great!!! :wink:

Keep it up!!!


Blend on, and blend well!!!

LOVELY! Kool model dude!
I love it! I love anime… I love it!..

How about a little session of Playstation? %|
:smiley: Very good!

What are you going to use it for!? (Stupid question… :slight_smile: )

nice work and keep going!:slight_smile:

KDR_11k great job with that anime style character it inspires me to see another artist with like talents :> , are you a part of a ( game team? ) Oo and this is a project the team is working on? ah :slight_smile: do you/team have a site?

also what game engine are u using :-? I need to know…

about the normals problem ctrl + N and ctrl + shift + N recalculates normals in/out just play around with it, it works for me… :smiley:

Exelent work, looks like something straight out of a game. I so happen got a list of freeware on may site, let me know if you find anything

(or would anyone recommend another free-verylow$ package?) for animation.

All I can say is Mikoto :slight_smile: its the best free animation software I know of, (although its japanese software) I’ve writen an export to export models to that also you dont applie bones in mikoto you just animate and it exports in 2-3 animation formates… Anyways its on my site (the export script) if you have any question about how to applie bones in blender to be exported to mikoto just pm me (becuase mikoto reads certian mesh names for its creation of bones)

I must say though thats a nice model ^_^, I am guessing most polys are in the hair and face?

Just came back from a school trip (5 days)… Sorry for not responding… :frowning:

broken: YAAAY! Good to hear that! starts praying for a soon release until realizes that he doesn’t believe in any god

rivwanderer: Ah, yes… I think I can do the straps via skin. And, yes, maybe I should de-center the purse…

Fred: Welllll… If I had a Playstation…
I’m currently trying to find someone who could put her into UT2k3.

hanzio: Custom written engine. randomZ said it’ll take him about as long to get used to an engine as it’d take him to write one himself… I doubt that, but we’re doing it just for the experience anyway.
CTRL N won’t help. The face normals are pointed outwards, but it uses hard edges as if auto-smooth was on (which isn’t the case). The problem doesn’t get fixed by welding the problematic verts.

Al_Capone: Whow! Pretty long list. I’ll look through it.

Sutabi: I’m not sure about the had’s polycount, but from my previous experience… Yes, most likely.
I’ll try to look into Mikoto…

It looks pretty nice, the modeling is pretty good overal. However I belive that some of the texturing could use a little bit of work. The cloth material looks stark white and rather boring. Other than that nice work.

Cool. Great texturing, too!

hey this’s kool! but what are the pouches for

Neat anyone with purple hair gets my approval

i u like purple hair check out

That looks great. I’ve always wanted to do something like that, so now maybe I will.

nice! I wish i could model like that. I am TERRIBLE at modeling…

good work!