Male face sculpture.

You really need to work on your observation skills, the sculpts tools work, now you need to see properly, and don’t rush it! just make sure you get your observations skills well tuned,

Working with references now.

Well, you are on the right track! I hope that that is not your only reference!?? (do you have a reference board?)
Focus on observation, you can push it more! come on!!!

I have front, side, 2/4, 3/4, i will watch some sherlock and see if i can find top and botton, don’t know if it is really necessary, i need to make sure the structure is right, i’am very eager to go for the details.

Trust me, detiles are the less important thing


that is working!!! can you post more views?

More views.

Man! sorry for not commenting sooner, how it is right now??

its like this currenly.

Hey that is a great improment! But you have to stop using the smooth tool so much, it looks like plastic, he has to be organic, have you look the last videos rafa did? You have to!

Yes you are right, also he makes it seens on this last videos that a lot of people are failing on getting anything done, by the way he talks, lots of “indiretas” as we speak here in Brasil. The truth is i have little time left, 4 mouths to be exact since i’am using the money of the secury, if i can’t get something done i will continue with my logistic school, i don’t agree on Rafa’s take on talent.

Just keep working, he gives good advises, take the good and keep working, you are improving a lot.