Mammut Heavy Tankhead

Now I can finally show what I have been working on for months. The final touches for the high poly is almost done. The presentation is from low poly block out to refine and higpoly work.

The concept is made by Emerson Tung, he work on concepts for the recent Doom games.


Got a fun error on the model when I reimport the obj, but for now the highpoly is done, gonna do a keyshot render of

it before moving to doing lowpoly. robot #hardurface sci-fi #military

Finish the Highpoly []
Render in Keyshot


Mammut Tank Head Redeploy Mammut Tank Head Redeploy

I revisit the model, fix the low/high poly, proper (sort of) Uv, bake and texture in subtance and render in Marmoset

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If you like it please share with others. modeling render. Final renders, turntable and model viewer are on my artstation page