ManCandy with his basketball

Here’s as far as I have got so far with my entry for the Animation Challenge.

C&C please!! :smiley:

It’s a coll idea, now it’s just a matter to refine the animation :yes:

It’s a good start. Give it a bit of dribbling and trick then add the Globe Trotters theme perhaps.

  • Floyd

Thanks guys! I think that I just might add some dribbling, but not much because I want ManCandy to appear quite ignorant. As far as sound goes, I’m leaving it out definitely, because it won’t count for judging in the completion.

Great start… now refine the movement. To make him appear more ignorant let him whistle while he is playing with the ball.

Ha! Good idea musk! The whistling is way out of timing still, but here is my latest:
I just did a Open GL render because I didn’t want to wait for the full one.

I’ve not really had enough time to finish it completely, but I have added camera animation. I consider it my final entry: