Manuel Bastioni Lab, turns Blender in a laboratory for 3d humanoids creation

Fantastico… grazie Manuel

Muchas Gracias Manuel.

Thanks so much for the addon, just super cool and for the video, really awesome!

Very handy, thanks!

Hi Manuel,
I’ve removed, and re-installed Manuel Lab 1.0 again. Still no Base Selector and Initialize buttons.
Blender 2.76b, Hash: f337fea, Date: 2015-11-03.
OSX Yosemite 10.10.2

Thanks for any help.

Thanks guys!
Being part of a so cool community is fantastic!
I’m already working to add new features.

Mhh…please tell me the console output.

Umm… how do you get rid of the ugly black boob patches? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Delete the second material in the list.

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Just delete the black material in the material panel.

Very impressive addon, tested it a bit and it’s very well done.
Congratulations on this great piece of work.

edit : i was too slow :smiley:

Thanks guys :slight_smile: This addon is indeed a gem. Hope to be able to use this for background characters…

If you mean the OSX Terminal Console, there’s no message/content there after booting Blender.

Hm i see team to have a strange issue.
I’ve created a character, unwrapped the mesh, for a new texture (in cycles).
But i cant paint on the mesh, it stays gray.
Texture view wont show the texture.
And the only way to paint seams to be editing the 2d image in Blender, save it in blender, reload it in cycles nodes, and put screen in render preview. But not direct painting on the mesh itself that wont work. (if i use an internal image i cant paint it all). official blender 2.76

Not sure what can cause this, i added a cube in the same way unwrapped and I am able to paint on it.

When i aply the cycles skin material to the cube, then i can pain on the cube ???

*update solved… it was the subsurf modifier that did it (it even crashed blender).
disabled it on the model modifiers, and now it works

Sorry, Blender console message after launching Blender (With Manuel lab 1.0 installed):

PYTHON INTERACTIVE CONSOLE 3.4.2 (default, Nov 25 2014, 12:01:44) [GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 6.0 (clang-600.0.54)]

Command History: Up/Down Arrow
Cursor: Left/Right Home/End
Remove: Backspace/Delete
Execute: Enter
Autocomplete: Ctrl-Space
Zoom: Ctrl +/-, Ctrl-Wheel
Builtin Modules: bpy,, bpy.ops, bpy.props, bpy.types, bpy.context, bpy.utils, bgl, blf, mathutils
Convenience Imports: from mathutils import *; from math import *
Convenience Variables: C = bpy.context, D =

Hi, nice addon. One quick question though.
I tried a male character to start. there appears to be no mesh for the inside of the cheek? This is a little odd. If the character is yelling for example, you can see the ear from inside the mouth…
In any human (or animal) model I have ever seen there is at least a few polys to define the inner surface of the mouth and throat.

It just seems odd when combined with the detail put into the eyebrows, lashes and teeth.

I just played around with this and I have to say that I am really impressed. Thank you for your hard work and for sharing this with us!
This addon is very helpful in so many scenarios. For future development I would appreciate some control over the level of detail of the mesh, sometimes I just need some lowpoly character for background scenes. And it would be very useful to have some animation controllers instead of only the plain skeleton. But I assume that features like that are planned already.

Thank you (/u/Manuel


Thank you.
Animation controllers are planned, but an advanced LOD control (not based on the existing Blender decimator) will require more time.

Not the internal Blender console… I mean the terminal where Blender usually prints some things. It should contains at least some info about Blender starting sequence.
In case of Manuel Lab, you should see things like:

Init the humanoid…

  • Vertices database loaded in 0.05947136878967285 secs
  • Morph database loaded in 2.874199867248535 secs
  • Morph database loaded in 0.21625399589538574 secs
  • Boundingboxes database loaded in 0.053626298904418945 secs
  • Databases loaded in 3.34822154045105 secs
  • Loaded 27 categories from morph database

Probably you have to run Blender from commandline in order to see it.

I just discovered a little bug: if the scene contains an object (type MESH) with 0 polygons, it doesn’t show the selector.
Can check it?

I was testing the figures, and was editing one.
Changed the mesh (using it as a starting point) then i added some extra bones.
But when i add extra bones (tail) i get an error message if i do CTRL+P to add bones with automatic weighting.
“Bone Heat Weighting: failed to find solution for one or more bones”.

Even if i delete my extra bones, and use an original figure with the standard bone setup, and do CTRL+P automatich weighting i get the sam error, any idea of what goes wrong ?