ManuelbastioniLAB 1.4.0, the open source character editor for Blender, released!

Please take your time, there’s no rush! To read everything that’s already there would take more than some days anyway. :slight_smile:

Thank you guys!
I’m already working on 1.5…

Great addon, thanks Manuel!

Thank you for a great add on. The base meshes it creates are just beautiful. Can’t wait to start seriously playing with it.

Manuel, than you for the amazing effort that you invest in this add on.

OK Manuel, … is this add-on helpful? Does it save time? Is it very clean when automatic weighting of meshes?

Yes to All. Your add-on is such a time saver, its hard to count the ways. Very fast way for quickly jinning up wide ranging stock body shapes. Meshes are well laid out. Cant wait for African male/female meshes.

As well, characters come already rigged for posing. Man, seriously,… Huge thanks.

Owe you a beer…

Thanks for this Manuel, It is truly wonderful!

I do wonder if you have thought at all about an “animal generator” that would use the same basic methods, but for quadrupeds.

Thank you guys!

Yes, sometime I reflected on it. In theory it’s possible, but the variations in quadrupeds anatomy would require years to create the high quality morph library (horse, cat, dog, reptile…). I prefer to stay focused on humanoids and reach the best level on them.

The things to do in order to jump the uncanny valley for humans are already an enormous amount of work that will require a lot of R & D and a lot of time.

hmm… while I still think the creativity is in the making, not generating… I have to say, this is looking nice! I can see the usecases for this. good job! maybe I even try it out :slight_smile:


I’m creating the lab in the hope to provide a scientific tool that is useful not only for artists, but also for scientists, designers, anthropologists, for forensic reconstructions, digital simulations, ergonomy, anthropometric, fashion design etc…also people that know how to code a game but not how to model an human, etc…

Anyway, the meshes are also designed to be a good starting point to sculpt and customize, without spend a lot of time on the topology and rigging.

UPDATE: I just released version 1.4.0a to correct a bug with compatibility for Blender 2.77. It also includes two new poses for the female model.

Again, this add-on came at the right time. Outstanding. But I have a question - How is the rig for animating? Im assuming pretty good. But currently Only posing.

Also the expressions are very good and likely enable morphing between expressions. But if the facial mesh shape is modified, will the expression still affect the altered mesh. Like bigger mouth translating to bigger smile or frown

In version 1.5 I will start to support animations. I’m already testing it and the results seems good, but there is a lot of work still to do, to reach the perfection that I want: muscle simulation, IK, drivers, etc…I will develop it release by release. Some of the planned features are listed here:
(I will update this page very soon, with the plane for 1.5)

If the modifications are done with the lab, there is the smart fitting algo that usually fixes most of the problems. It’s described here:

I’ve started playing a little bit with the software and I keep getting more and more impressed. A big thank you for the time, effort and generosity in giving us this amazing add-on. The topology and pretty much everything looks amazing.

Thanks for the response. Again, this has proved the right tool at the right time.

Great addon. Is there a downloadable version of the documentation? would be nice for people who want to study the docs while offline.

No, sorry.
PS: I’m still updating the documentation for 1.4. It should be completed in a week.

Ok. No worries. Take your time. Excellent work btw.

I’ve just updated the roadmap from 1.4 to 1.8, with a short description of the main features that are planned.

Roadmap is exciting! so many great features to come :slight_smile:

Looking forward to the next version a lot! :smiley: