Does any one know how to create a map in a game that show yours and other objects position
It’s called python… Or, I just got brainstruck do it in logic brix!! Just duplicate your map in the corner zoom in on certain places create another camera that is zoomed in on your char on the minimap and use the one split screen python script create a border around it. Recreate your enemies in the minimap to blocks red for enemies. and TADAH there you have it. Aren’t I smart
Yo -[Killer]-, commas man.
lol, sorry just trying to express my suggestion. lol.
You dont actually know how to do that do you?
Who me? Or Us!!!.
I do =] I would offer to post a demo blend but I’m really busy atm.
That would be wicked
What would? To post a blend of it?
EDIT:: For the 2nd camera screen use this script
#set the cam as the camera name
cam.setViewport(left, bottom, right, top) # --- wherever you want it the position
Lol I can remember when they told you how to do that
Ha, yea. I learned alot since I joined the forums.
-[Killer]-: Don’t duplicate the map, just place the second camera over the original one! And…that does require python…not just logic bricks.
Sorry if it sounds like I’m after you…I’ve just come after your posts
The split screen thread:
Take a look at the demos I posted there to see how to add another screen. Simply use the second camera as your map camera.
You can also use an overlay scene with a simplified map in it, although you’ll need python to track the positions of anything you want to appear on the map.
oooops Sorry I meant like the basic setup in logic bricks then I added the python script. Then as he said you don’t have to duplicate the map. Although you could duplicate the map If you wanna do it as I said with red enemies and green heros. You could probually do that with python. Or you could just use the Edit object actuater with the Replace Mesh. Replace it with either Green or red. And tadah there you go.