Mapping node "zero" axis values

Can someone tell me the zero values for the mapping so if i rotate on each axis it does not effect other axis. Cant find the correct values or google it, did not even know how to name it correctly.

mapping.blend (722.2 KB)

The center of the coordinate space for object coordinates is 0,0,0. (The center of the coordinate space for UV coordinates is 0.5, 0.5.) Adding translation in the mapping node will change that center. If you’d like to rotate about a different center, you can chain mapping nodes (or however else you want to edit coordinates): if you move negative 0.5, then rotate, then move positive 0.5, that’s the same as rotating about the 0.5 point.

Sorry, rotations are not really separable by axis in the way I think you want. This is similar to the problems with Euler angles in rotations. If you want, you can chain multiple mappings to rotate about axes in a different way.

Note that here, since you’re using an object texture coordinate, you could just create an empty and specify that as the object you want to use for the coordinates. That allows you to do the exact same transforms you’d do through your mapping node by transforming the empty instead. Easier to use, easier to animate, easier to understand.

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Sorry, my question was not well formed, and the screenshot misleads to location values.
But i have trouble with the rotation.

I mean if i rotate x, y keeps the center,
if i rotate y, x keeps the center,
but if i rotate z, z, x and y loose their center.

No, if all you do is rotate, the center of the rotation never changes. The center of rotation, for object texture coords, is the origin of the object. The two objects, however, do have different centers of rotation, because they have different origins. They also have different object space coordinates, because they’re different shapes. For example, the x coordinates on the cube, on the face that we see, are constant, whereas the x coordinates on the sphere vary. (And, they’re affect by object space scaling, so if that cube hasn’t had its scale applied, it’s going to be different on the basis of that as well.)

Notice also that what you’re doing here doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. By sticking a vector (a 3-channel floating point number) into fac (a 1-channel floating point number), you’re telling Blender to do some weird conversion thing. And I’m afraid I don’t know what conversion it’s doing-- doesn’t appear to be anything that makes any sense, and it’s different than the conversion it makes when the same three numbers of combine into a color (in which case, it’s presumably calculating luminance?)

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Ah, yes, now i see my error. I came on the wrong way i can use the color ramp like a texture. I got it somewhere from a tutorial where it is used with a separatexyz, and thougt i can use all 3 axis. But that works not as expected for all axis. Thanks for clear this up.