Marceline: The Vampire Queen.

I had done the model a while ago, and I was never convinced about the texturing and lighting, so I spent some time today tweaking those and I feel the result is definitely better now.
As Usual, I’m abandoning the project for now, but I might re visit it once more at some point and put some more extra love to it…
Marceline is an awesome character from an awesome show : Adventuretime, for those who don’t know it please chekc it out.

Hope you guys Like it.

it’s Adventure Time!!!
Jorge why not tests with 2d shaders?

Great work! I did not notice on the thumnail but It really looks pretty damn cool, again awesome work.

Thanks guys !! glad you liked it.

@Joseperez, that’s a good Idea, i’ve never tried freestyle too much, so this might be a good excuse :wink:

I would love to see her rendered in freestyle, but it looks really good this way. I can’t imagine that 2D render would look better (only more like the original)

Love it! Would indeed like to see a freestyle render.