Mars Exploration - Yet Another New Update on page 2

Sorry it took so long for this update. My Internet connection went down for a while and sadly haven’t had that much time to work on it. However, I do have a quick preview render for you to see.

There’s still a lot of detail to be applied to both the Mars landscape and the rover but here is my progress so far.


well it certainly is getting there :slight_smile: nice work, but dammit you need to finish your fight scene! That stuff was lookin’ goooooood!

Nice! That looks very good, just like that dojo you abandoned…(hint, hint) :slight_smile:

Looking really good, solocreator.

Don’t let it bump into my rover, it’s been up there over 6 months now. :wink: Click here.

Needs rocks and dust. Good work.


Very nice. For some reason, the lesser saturation in the previous images on this page look more convincing to me…

Thats really coming along nicely Solocreator. I was hoping you’d post an update soon. :slight_smile:

looks great! the atmosphere should be mor e red no?

  1. I have a feeling that the rover is levitating, due to the shadows maybe?
  2. Will You make the atmosphere more red?

In general, nice work!


The actual color of the martian sky seems to be a little confusing…

See here:

here is an amatuers observations:

and some wierd sunsets from jpl:

Its probably best to go with an artistic license and use a pale yellow or light red anyways, since thats what most people expect.

For all I know, that might be the actual color of the martian sky. I just keep finding more conflicting information and pictures, heh.

Thanks for all the feedback and suggestions.

Well I didn’t abandon my kungFu project. the truth is my hard drive broke down and I lost everything :frowning:

The dojo, Samurai sword, mp5, and the character are all gone. I should have said something I guess. Sorry…

If anyone saved the pictures that I made, perhaps you could send them to me. I really miss my dojo :frowning:

Anyway, regarding my current project:

The shadow and lighting of the scene still need some tweaking. As for the colour of the sky…I’m not so sure. Mars is red because that is how the light looks when deflecting from the surface. I don’t see how this should influence the colour of the sky. I think the sun plays a larger role when it comes to the atmosphere.

Cool pic sonix :wink:

I’ll try and get hold of some more reference pics.


hmmmm… :Z