This is probably the first real scene I’ve tried to make in blender. It still has along way to go before it’s finished, ie. materials, shadows, etc. I still can’t seem to get the glass to look quite right, either the reflections are too strong or the whole damn thing seems to disapear. Comments/crits?
FYOI- the coasters are not my images, just randomly pulled off google image search.
I think the glass is excellete but the rest of the scene seems to dull the astray can use more sub-d and more reflection, The warhog ale is sweet and the ground needs something softer…something fuzzy
that green counter top reminds me of the Alien Ooze from som eearly FPS… maybe Doom I or Marathon I… either way, it needs some work. try going for a more marble-like feel. The martini glass and olive look pretty good though. Maybe try to bring this into Yafray. it would look great.