Marvin from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

I posted these a long time ago (As you can see from the dates on some of the pictures) but I still like them so I thought I would re-post them.

Comments are welcome, although I know the lighting could be better.


Darth Marvin (As a joke)

Here is a link to my Portfolio. Its rather small but I’d like some feedback on it if you have a minute. Click Here.

I’d improve his posture a bit, I think in the movie he’s a bit more morose, with his head hanging lower

I think you are at least partly right. He has two postures. This is his I’m not ok but I can deal with it right now" posture. The other would be “Oh My! The Mainframe is going to implode” etc LOL

hehe, marvin is one of the few things that is actually better in the movie than in the bbc series :smiley:

Yeah thats true. So what do you think? Overall? Did I get him right?


there might be some things that are not exactly up to scale, but it’s certainly a very good tribute to him :wink:

Of course, the original version was the best - the one in the Radio 4 series. the pictures were far better :slight_smile:

were there pictures? I have the radio series, 2 versions of all the books, the bbc tv series and the movie :wink:

With radio the pictures are in your head

ah right… well apparently my imagination isn’t that great cuz I thought the movie version was way better than I had imagined :wink:

I was gonna say… How were the pictures in the “Radio” version better? LMAO