Oh, I see. I’ve been trying to use the new shape masks as inputs (e.g. a box as an outer mask and an ellipse as outer mask) and couldn’t get it to work. I was kinda hoping for that but alas…
If we need to render a mask before using it in the compositor then I think that it’s of little use.
That could already be achieved using the rotobezier addon and a blur node. Or maybe I’m missing something?
I don’t mean to sound negative though. The new shape mask nodes make it possible to grade with masks within the compositor which is super cool!
this will enable the automatic animation of masks and will speed up grading by a factor of 10 (or more) compared to how it currently stands with the rotobezier.
Well, sleep deprivation had taken its toll on clarity of perception! :0
I got it. For some reason it only works when the mode for both input mask nodes is set to multiply.
I think that will be one of the features of the year
Will the mask Animations continue to rely on Shapekeys? Or will it behave like the rotoscoping addon, with real keyframes for the point’s position which are editable in the Graph and NLA editor?
Will the mask Animations continue to rely on Shapekeys? Or will it behave like the rotoscoping addon, with real keyframes for the point’s position which are editable in the Graph and NLA editor?
Dunno. Are they mutually exclusive? I’d say that real keyframes are the way to go.
I agree on that having to turn to the 3D viewport for masking is both redundant and inconvenient. It used to be the only solution but now real progress has been made.
The current mask implementation in the compositor is almost perfect for certain types of shots where there’s little within frame subject movement or where there’s no pan or dolly shots involved. Unfortunately, whenever there’s movement animated masks are required and we’re not quite there (yet).
Sebastian tweeted yesterday that he’s using the new masking system for rotoscoping for Mango and noted that improvements are being made.
I guess that the integration of the new masks Sergey is working on will completely turn the tables.
Well its here and it IS amazing. Multiple masks and trackable too. Feathered edges, looks fine to me. Shame the Movie Clip editor isn’t more functional when it comes to frame offset etc. I guess we have to load a movie in another scene dedicated to the portion of the movie clip you want to use. Adjust the scene start and end times then use that as the input to the comp. I think it will offset the start frame accordingly?
I’m speechless: this is beyond awesome, much better than I had expected, insanely great!
I built the trunk yesterday evening and gave it a go. Masking itself worked really well except for rendering the mask in the compositor which took 5 minutes(!!!) to compute. Must have been me I guess.
The idea is that these new masks will be created in the movie clip editor and image editor and applied in the compositor and the VSE.
I’m sure the Mango team will have to come up with a decent masking workflow for cutting the movie so let’s wait and see.
ok I don’t understand the example on Blender nation, why/ when would you use masks when you have green screen? Also, what use is making a mask that is a loose fit, I guess I just don’t see the use for rough masks and uses other than rotoscoping.
I didn’t expect the masks right away to follow trackers, or be so easily animatable. And it includes blending modes already. Wow.
what use is making a mask that is a loose fit,
For example you could use the inverted mask as a garbage matte, making pulling the key easier. Of course in real life this reduces the problem to just the hardest parts (hair, motion blur, spill)
That said, would be it simple to invert the mask in their example, especially the feathered version?
There are microphones and other objects on the screen that help with motion tracking but you don’t want those objects to be visible in the final movie. You gotta rotoscope them out
Having a play with Masks. I notice that Keyframes aren’t available in F-curve editor. So I can’t delete a keyed shape that I accidentaly defined earlier. Also The keyframe is tied to global time not the movie clip, so if you change the Movie clip start frame (new feature) the mask keyframe doesn’t slide with it.
For some reason I cannot define the feather in an already created keyed mas shape either.
I think that a simple Start Frame option in the mask node would do the Job very well
Making the keyframes available in the f-curve editor is a little pointless I think because a mask keyframe stores the position of all points in the selected mask object. So there is nothing to visualize as an F-Curve. But the keyframes should be visible in the Dopesheet! Then you can easily delete and move them.