Mask hairs using Vertex groups

How to mask hair strands in shader using Vertex Group?

I converted the group to a color atturbute using geometry node but it didn’t work, (work only for mesh not hairs)

I know i can do it simply using texture images but I am looking for that way


You select the vertex you want as a mask and make them a group…

As I said, I meant in the shader not in particles system settings

Then you are asking about Vertex Colors., and not Vertex Groups…Or Vertex Colors on a Vertex Group…

So you select your vertex group and weight paint it you get a Named Attribute “Col” (whatever you name it)
In the Geometry Nodes, you should be able to reference that vertex group, and the weight paint ( or vertex colors) will control whatever you are attaching it to…

This is in Generate Hair Curves

and look at the interpolated hair curves, under the mask texture… and the corresponding Node Frame Density Texture…


Go through this file to see what happens…
hair generation with vertex groups.blend (2.4 MB)Uses weight paint on a Vertex Group ( Monkey’s Curly Hair)

Thanks but,

I want to transfer the mask to strand hair particles in the shader edito can adjust the hair shader in different areas.
For example, we can make the beard’s color a little more brown or have white hairs in the beard and head hair, but mask them in the eyebrows and eyelashes, etc.

All this can be easily implemented using texture images in particle systems,or geo-node hair curves in several ways but I think it would be nice if it could be done with vertex group and hair particles

(vertex group or vertex color doesn’t matter, there is the problem with both and also we can easily convert them to each other)