Mass lighting change

Hi there

Suppose I have a bunch of lamps all placed exactly where I want them, but they’re too bright, or the wrong color, etc. Is it possible to select all by type, and then do a mass change or is it a one-at-a-time thing? I’ve tried selecting all and changing one, hoping that would do it, but it only changed that particular one.

Discuss. :smiley:


You can link lamp data from one lamp to the others by going to the object meny >> make links >> lamp data.

The problem with this is, that this also effects the energy of the lighting, shadow settings etc…
Which is probably not what you want. And I fear there is no other solution, I can’t think of a way to change one setting for many lamps simultaneously without linking them.

Fortunately, for this particular exercise, it’s a viable option. Next time, though, more attention to detail!