masterxeon1001 Sketchbook


Nice, very clean. :slight_smile:

Are the normal maps and alpha and a diffuse mask included for each added shape ?

it looks so well textured, like Quixel.


it is quixel :slight_smile:


Wait, you weren’t kidding about that patreon goal about comics, were you?

Can’t wait for the polygon cult.

The shapes are geo so no normals. I leave that fun to the user.
I bake all the time with them.

ha no quixel is use at the moment haha. All Blender.

Hey man u are awesome love ur videos.
Sometimes you talk crap but hey who dosent.
U gettin much better bro. so peace.

and i always will.

I see a bit of potenzial.
Have a nice rest of day. you also do organic stuff?
Love your video, fun.

Edit:and music.

Oh yeah much!

The best proof to hard ops is that you are yourself using it all the time and I love to see how you evolve as an artist / developer and how your tool is evolving too. It means the tool is very good and will be improved all the time. Every developer should take him as a role model how to developer tools. Keep it up! :slight_smile:

Thanks for the kind words! Well its a team effort! It is fun running through the tools to check, and double check workflow. ARs also in the shadows working on it too but he posts a little less haha. Not to mention Wazou has shown that he is a pretty darn capable hard surface modeller.

That coffee machine looking thing on post #633 gave me an eye boner. Excellent!

started up the robot for the 007 edition.

^^LOL!! That’s awesome!!

007 is almost ready. Just a little more tuning.