material AND texture?

i am modeling a clock and i would like to use a bronze procedural material for the ‘plate’ with a transparent png image for the face numbers … but… i do not get the face. is it possible to do this?

could you describe in a bit more detail please?

Yes, it’s possible. How exactly to do it depends a lot on the specifics of your Material setup and how the Image texture is prepped, and of course the final effect you want to achieve. In brief, you can use the alpha channel of the PNG to mask its application to the mesh, and choose a blending mode (such as Mix or Multiply) that suits the look you want. You may also want to use the image as a mask element to knock down some of the procedural’s features like reflection, specular, etc, since the painted numerals would look somewhat different than the base metal.

ah thanks… to be honest, i found your response was a trifle more technical than i could follow… i played around a bit…

simplest way to get both material and texture,

In MATERIALS:under OPTIONS: turn off FACE TEXTURES (in fact, i turned off all materials OPTIONS).in textureunder PREVIEW: turn on SHOW ALPHA
under 'INFLUENCE:[INDENT]turn on INTENSITY (adjust… suggest -1 for original color)
turn on COLOR under BLEND: select MIX or ADD (recommend MIX for original color)[/INDENT]