My question is:
Is there a way to make a mesh to change its materials (object material) using IPO editor.
I have defined my own materials outside blender and wrote a script which brings a list of my materials to “Links and Pipeline” menu in the Buttons panel view. I can successfully assign my materials to objects but once I change the material to a different one in different IPO frame, blender takes the last one and ignore the previous ones which I assigned on different frames to the same object.
I just want for my object to have different material name on different IPO frames. I don’t care about the color or any of the other variables of the material.
Any solution to this?
You help is appreciated. Thanks
As far as I know you can’t change material names using IPO curves. If you have your imported material on your object and have a keyframe for it, you need to go to another frame and then change the material settings for that material and keyframe those new settings.
Alank, I don’t want to change the setting of my material. What I would like to do is that for each frame manually add a different material for the same object. But blender is taking only the last material I added and apply it for all frames.
In 2.5 you can change the active material if you have multiple materials applied to a model which was my first thought, but you would then need to assign the material to your objects faces as well which I tried and couldn’t do with keyframes.