Material displacement has extreme lean

On the right is Displacement Modifier. Works as expected.

On the left is Displacement Material. For some reason I am getting an extreme lean to one side.

What am I doing wrong?

My displacement image is grey scale, created with DisplacmentX.

Your displacement node should be set to ‘object’, and you should plug the image into the ‘Height’ socket; not to the ‘Normal’ socket.


Ok I feel dumb. I know better than that. Thank you for pulling me out of my brain and back to the right way.

Don’t feel this way… feel enligtmented… this way it makes more fun :wink:

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I felt momentarily dumb because I already knew this and made a dumb mistake. The fact I know anything about Blender at all makes me feel enlightened!

But thank you for the encouragement. Much appreciated.

Don’t worry… I do exactly the same mistake more than often, specially when I’m in speed mode. It’s more or less the equivalent to miss a semi-colon when writing code.

After a few times, it becomes natural to spot the error right on the first time.

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You all are great. Thanks much!