I have a plane (grid) that intersect a UV sphere. I want the material on the plane to disappear on contact with the Sphere. The UV Sphere has Ray Transparency enabled.
The plane bends (i.e. like a cloth), So that “Vertex groups” will not work for the Material (since the vertices sometimes exit the sphere).
I am using cycles render.
Just animate the hide_render icon for the sphere (located in the Outliner…the camera icon). When the plane touches the sphere turn it off.
Thankyou Atom, but not quiet what I wanted, I only want the parts of the Plane which are contacting the sphere to dissapear. I described what I wanted poorly. I have the sphere as a glass material and plane as water material. What I would like is for the plane material to change at the points in which it contacts the sphere.
I am going to try some Light path nodes and see If I can separate the “refractive” light bounces. This I hope i can use to effect the factor of the material so that it is “water” when it receives refractive light and “Transparent” when it does not.
I cannot simple use a circle the same size of the Glass that it is in because I have a cloth material applied to my glass surface for ripples and they will sometimes intersect the glass and create artifacts. I would love to be able to “unpin” the edges of my water so that I can have the effect of the water splashing up the side of the glass.
My apologies, I’m having a hard time understanding what you’re looking for, but from your initial post this sounds like a job for Dynamic Paint.