Material ending up different in Render Result

Hey everyone, this is my first post in Blenderartists. I’ve created a standard PBR material of a classic reflector for a car. In viewport it behaves as it should I am satisfied with its result. But when I hit the render button, I get a completely different result… Not good. I am using Blender 3.0 Alpha Cycles-X

So far I’ve tried,

  • Applying the material to a different object
  • Recreating the material
  • Checking every object in the scene if there’s something I forgot to exclude/include in the render
  • Playing around with materials values and maps
  • Trying different lightning to light up the material (edit)

here’s how the material looks in the viewport and in the render.

And you know that there are different settings for viewport (preview) and render (final) ? (Would be nice to have both images the same size to make it easier to compare… but i see; and your displacement isn’t connected). Funny thing is in one the backlights have light(?) and in the other the reflectors reflect more light…

Red reflectors also use the same node setup + textures, the only difference is that the diffuse texture is red… If they behaved similarly that’d be also fine, I am okay with red reflectors in the renders. Orange ones are way off…

Here are the render settings

as i said: different settings for viewport and render… play arround :man_shrugging: