Material has black triangles in cycles

I used a cube and boolean modifier on a torso, then smoothed it to make it look like a hill.

But when I go into cycles, these black triangles form on some parts of the mesh. Any idea why this happens?

The reason this happens is because there are quads that aren’t flat in the model. Every polygon in a 3D program is always split into triangles for rendering, because triangles are always flat, unlike quads. So, if you have quads on the side of the hill that have their 4 corners at different heights, they will get split in 2 triangles in a way that will form ridges.

If you used a boolean to form this hill, then I will assume you probably remeshed it. If you remeshed the model finely enough, you could actually have captured that triangulation ridge effect in the remesh. If this is your case, you could fix the problem by going into sculpt mode and use the smooth brush on the problematic areas.

If you haven’t remeshed the model finely, then you need to make sure you haven’t deactivated the geometry offset, as it’s a feature that helps Cycles deal with sharp ridges on objects that are shaded smooth.

Then, you could either try increasing that value past its default or alternatively, add a subdivision surface modifier on the object (even just one level would help).

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And also, make sure the model doesn’t have custom normals data:

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Thank you so much. That’s worked!


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