Material node output


I am experiencing the Normal node of material nodes.
Since the result is depend from the angle between camera (in my case it’s the camera) and face normal I need a better way to display the result.
The output node just gives an impression of the result on a cube, sphere, plane, etc.
But I need the result matching my object inside the scene and it’s angle towards the camera.
Right now I can just change rotation of my object and the do a render (hit F12) and then change the angle again and hit render, this is very annoying.
Is there any way that I can see the output immediately if I change rotation of my object?
So I don’t want to hit F12 every time I change the angle of my object.

Thanks for any help!

Wouldn’t the viewer node exactly be what you want?
I’m not sure if I understand the problem correctly, but it could help you… just add a viewer node and connect it to the latest image, like the output node.

Try GLSL shading (with viewport shading set to textured).

2.5x - Property shelf (Key-N) > Display > Shading
2.49 - In the Game menu (?)

Viewport shading selector is in the viewport header.

normals applied to a material means that the render must apply the material itself relating to the difference between face normal angle against camera incident angle to that face. i dont think blender does that elaborations in realtime during simple 3d visualization.
if your opengl video card is capable, the shaded (or textured in case of textured materials) dysplay (like LarryPhillips wrote) should give you a preview similar to te final result, but THAT’S NOT THE FINAL RESULT!
rendering (f12) a scene, bender finally apply lights influences, reflections, ray casting, ray tracing and all the (obscure to me :P) necessary things to gain the correct interactions between light and materials and objects.

so, i think the answer to your question is… no.