I was experimenting with simulated hair without using particles. The test came along relatively well while I was not using material nodes. See example below. (Don’t comment on the realism of the hair - yet)
I decided midstream to switch over to nodes-based materials as I have more control over the texture. I am relatively new at material nodes (but quite familiar with materials and textures). Having done that, the resultant material now seems to be shadeless - even though the button is not activated.
I am wondering whether it could be that the colour is produced by a colourband in texture node and not a material node. (I did initially start with a colour node, but when I introduced the colourband in the texture node, the material node stopped having any effect.)
See sample below. Notice how the hair seems much lighter and is shadeless. When I render with “shadeless” activated, the image does not change.
Can anybody help?