This forum really needs a [WTF?] prefix for threads.
Ok, I must have accidentally hit a shortcut I don’t know. Story is I have some basic models in a .blend which has been fine for ages. Said models are textured and show up fine in Material view, until now.
All of a sudden, grouped objects that are not selected are solid green. When selected, they turn solid bright green.
Ungrouped objects are solid black if not selected, or solid orange when selected.
It is only happening with this file. All the other files are behaving normally.
All the other views are working too. Wireframe view is fine. Solid is fine. Rendered is fine. It’s only Material view which is borked.
You said that it only happens in this file…so I would try appending your objects to another file and see if they are working fine in there as it might just be your file that is corrupted.
I more or less forgot about this since the file in question was very simple, so I just made a fresh one. However, I’ve just had it happen again with another file.
Again, this file was fine, then suddenly went borked. This happened while I was adding lamps to every layer (I want those since I’ll be using this file to do LOD’s for some old game assets). I want to make quite a few files like this, so I don’t want this problem occurring all the time.
So before adding two lamps to every layer > file is ok. After adding two lamps to every layer > file is borked. Is this a known Blender bug?
I’ve attached a zipped version of the .blend. The 3D Render view is fine. Ditto for 3D bounding box, wireframe and solid. However once again, material and texture views are just black (or orange when selected) and are not picking up the skinning and lighting as they should.
That’s weird. It only has four materials and four textures. And I’m not seeing anything odd in the console or info panel either.
Edit: ok, just found the system console. I’m getting this.
Read new prefs: C:\Users\Peter\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.76\c
AL lib: (EE) UpdateDeviceParams: Failed to set 44100hz, got 48000hz instead
found bundled python: C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.76\python
read blend: C:\Users\Peter\Desktop\RRT 3\Blender tutorials\!Base_autoracks_temp.
GPUShader: linking error:
Vertex info
0(4) : warning C7547: extension GL_EXT_geometry_shader4 not supported in profile
0(9) : warning C7555: 'attribute' is deprecated, use 'in/out' instead
0(10) : warning C7555: 'varying' is deprecated, use 'in/out' instead
0(22) : warning C7555: 'varying' is deprecated, use 'in/out' instead
0(23) : warning C7555: 'varying' is deprecated, use 'in/out' instead
0(32) : warning C7533: global variable gl_Vertex is deprecated after version 120
0(33) : warning C7533: global variable gl_Normal is deprecated after version 120
0(36) : warning C7533: global variable gl_ModelViewMatrix is deprecated after ve
rsion 120
0(39) : warning C7533: global variable gl_NormalMatrix is deprecated after versi
on 120
0(40) : warning C7533: global variable gl_ProjectionMatrix is deprecated after v
ersion 120
0(49) : warning C7533: global variable gl_ClipVertex is deprecated after version
Fragment info
0(4) : warning C7547: extension GL_EXT_geometry_shader4 not supported in profile
0(153) : warning C7533: global variable gl_ProjectionMatrix is deprecated after
version 120
0(1288) : warning C7533: global variable gl_ModelViewMatrix is deprecated after
version 120
0(1289) : warning C7533: global variable gl_ModelViewMatrixInverse is deprecated
after version 120
0(1538) : warning C7533: global variable gl_NormalMatrix is deprecated after ver
sion 120
0(2047) : warning C7533: global function shadow2DProj is deprecated after versio
n 120
0(2198) : warning C7533: global variable gl_LightSource is deprecated after vers
ion 120
0(2198) : warning C7533: global variable position is deprecated after version 12
0(2199) : warning C7533: global variable diffuse is deprecated after version 120
0(2216) : warning C7533: global variable halfVector is deprecated after version
0(2218) : warning C7533: global variable specular is deprecated after version 12
0(2295) : warning C7533: global variable gl_ProjectionMatrixInverse is deprecate
d after version 120
0(2631) : warning C7555: 'varying' is deprecated, use 'in/out' instead
0(2632) : warning C7555: 'varying' is deprecated, use 'in/out' instead
0(2633) : warning C7555: 'varying' is deprecated, use 'in/out' instead
0(4336) : warning C7533: global variable gl_FragColor is deprecated after versio
n 120
(0) : error C6012: Sampler limit exceeded; more than 32 samplers needed to compi
le program
GPUShader: linking error:
Vertex info
0(4) : warning C7547: extension GL_EXT_geometry_shader4 not supported in profile
0(9) : warning C7555: 'attribute' is deprecated, use 'in/out' instead
0(10) : warning C7555: 'varying' is deprecated, use 'in/out' instead
0(22) : warning C7555: 'varying' is deprecated, use 'in/out' instead
0(23) : warning C7555: 'varying' is deprecated, use 'in/out' instead
0(32) : warning C7533: global variable gl_Vertex is deprecated after version 120
0(33) : warning C7533: global variable gl_Normal is deprecated after version 120
0(36) : warning C7533: global variable gl_ModelViewMatrix is deprecated after ve
rsion 120
0(39) : warning C7533: global variable gl_NormalMatrix is deprecated after versi
on 120
0(40) : warning C7533: global variable gl_ProjectionMatrix is deprecated after v
ersion 120
0(49) : warning C7533: global variable gl_ClipVertex is deprecated after version
Fragment info
0(4) : warning C7547: extension GL_EXT_geometry_shader4 not supported in profile
0(153) : warning C7533: global variable gl_ProjectionMatrix is deprecated after
version 120
0(1288) : warning C7533: global variable gl_ModelViewMatrix is deprecated after
version 120
0(1289) : warning C7533: global variable gl_ModelViewMatrixInverse is deprecated
after version 120
0(1538) : warning C7533: global variable gl_NormalMatrix is deprecated after ver
sion 120
0(2047) : warning C7533: global function shadow2DProj is deprecated after versio
n 120
0(2198) : warning C7533: global variable gl_LightSource is deprecated after vers
ion 120
0(2198) : warning C7533: global variable position is deprecated after version 12
0(2199) : warning C7533: global variable diffuse is deprecated after version 120
0(2216) : warning C7533: global variable halfVector is deprecated after version
0(2218) : warning C7533: global variable specular is deprecated after version 12
0(2295) : warning C7533: global variable gl_ProjectionMatrixInverse is deprecate
d after version 120
0(2631) : warning C7555: 'varying' is deprecated, use 'in/out' instead
0(2632) : warning C7555: 'varying' is deprecated, use 'in/out' instead
0(2633) : warning C7555: 'varying' is deprecated, use 'in/out' instead
0(4336) : warning C7533: global variable gl_FragColor is deprecated after versio
n 120
(0) : error C6012: Sampler limit exceeded; more than 32 samplers needed to compi
le program
Meh. Like I said, I get the console messages shown in the previous post. Nothing about texture slots on my box. Which is odd. Do you have any ideas on what might be causing this?
And of course the models are just solid black (no lighting and skinning). Can post a shot if it’ll help.
Sure, I can do that, but I can’t see why an audio card would affect material/texture view in Blender.
Btw…I use Daily build on Win 10…Any reason You use a old lender so many NEW thing in 2.78
Because it works and I’ve just been using it.
I have thought about upping it to 2.78, but at the moment I really do not want to learn any new shortcuts or gui stuff. I probably wouldn’t use any of the additions anyway.
Just tried this. Same objects are fine when appended to a fresh file.
Edit: Also, the system console doesn’t show any error messages when viewing a fresh default file.
Edit 2: However, as soon as I make any changes to a fresh default file, like deleting the default cube, camera and lamp, all those error messages appear in the system console.
Hey I think I’m onto something here. Ran some tests.
1/ Started with a fresh default file.
2/ Deleted default camera, cube and lamp.
3/ Appended the 40 lamps from the borked file.
4/ Appended one of the skinned models from the borked file.
Result: file borked. Model shows as black in material and texture views.
Ok, next test.
1 & 2/ Same as before - start with default file and delete default content.
3/ Appended the two lamps for Layer 1 from the borked file.
4/ Appended the same skinned model from the borked file.
Result: no problem. Model looks fine in material and texture views.
So then I started appending the two lamps for each layer, one layer at a time. The display was normal, until I reached the 16th layer (ie: 32 lamps in total).
As soon as the 31st and 32nd lamps were appended to the file, it broke and the model went black. 30 lamps was fine. 32 lamps was borked.
Ok, so then I delete the 32nd lamp. Result: model view goes back to normal. No problem. 31 lamps is fine.
So now that I know this I can work around it, since I don’t really need two lamps on each layer. One lamp will do for the lower LOD’s, and I can just have two lamps on the layer for the top LOD. That will work.
It still leaves the question: why is Blender breaking things when it gets to 32 lamps in the .blend?
GPUShader: linking error:
Vertex info
(0) : error C6012: Sampler limit exceeded; more than 32 samplers needed to compile program
This seems to indicate that the lighting/shading in that file exceeds the limitations of your graphics card, so you can’t expect them to work reliably. I’m actually not sure if this 32 light limit comes from Blender, from OpenGL or the capabilities of your graphics card - after all, on Taipan’s machine everything seems to work as expected…
What graphics card/driver do you use? Some older model, perhaps?
I think the problems is that you have too many lights in your scene.
I deleted all of them except the two in layer 1, and set these available for all layers. Now the file works as expected.
Yes, I know the problem is too many lamps. I already tested that. However, just having the two lamps in Layer 1 is no good, because they won’t illuminate anything except Layer 1.
The “This layer only” setting under lamp attributes doesn’t do anything. If I leave it unchecked, which it is by default, the lamps will only illuminate the layer they are on.
If I check it, obviously the lamps still only illuminate the layer they are on.
Either way, I can’t get the lamps to illuminate all layers. No can do. Unless there’s another hidden setting somewhere which does that.
AFAIK the “This Layer Only” option does only apply to rendering, not the OpenGL viewport.
Your scene displays fine on my GTX 980M (using Blender 2.78) as well…
So either there has been an update in Blender since your version 2.76, or the issue is with your graphics card, which is indeed very limited by today’s standards.