The title says it all: is it possible to preview materials inside Blender using external engines like Yafaray or Luxrender?
If answer is negative, what is your workflow for fine-tuning materials without waiting hours for each material test?
Thanks and cheers!
I know Luxrender at least does not have a material preview, but when Luxrender starts rendering it generally does not take long to get an idea of what the material will be like (though covered in noise)
Thanks Ace Dragon, you are an hero around these forums.
May I ask you the reason why you chose LuxRender over Yafaray?
Looking at both websites the latter looks more feature packed, and it has also more rendering algorithms.
I guess one reason is that my first experiment with using external render engines was with SmallLuxGPU, I wanted to see what regular Lux can do so I went to that.
I chose Lux because it had decent support for Blender procedurals (as well as a small collection of Lux-exclusive ones), it has lighting that’s about perfect once you know the lamp/emitter settings and right default settings, and it looked to be getting some nice features in development like more light scattering settings and GPU rendering.
I do remember at one point where such unbiased rendering can even render out very difficult objects (like a Klein bottle)
Fair enough, thanks a lot mate!
I’m puzzled by this statement as there is a material preview option in LuxBlend’s material panel and as LuxBlend is a window within Blender I would say that is does.
I was talking about Luxblend25 (the one that’s tightly integrated in the UI without the need to go to a scripts window)