Material rendering black

Hi, I am new to blender and I can’t find a solution for a problem I have. I created a material with texture witch work just fine on my first object but when i try to use it on other object it appears black in render mode. Can someone help me with this ? Thank you.

For support questions it is mandatory to ALWAYS supply a demo .blend file that demonstrates the problem, otherwise we have to use guesswork based on your question that lacks any important information.

Therefore with so little info and no blend file to actually look at you could start with:
Check your lighting
Check for any modifiers/constraints that may affect the appearance
Check outliner for any hidden objects in the scene but are still renderable
Check the object has no other materials
Check the face normals are all pointing outwards
Check your render layers are all correct
Check any compositing for post processing is correct
Check you have nothing in the sequencer