Hi guys. I’m new here, and I came to learn more about Blender. (I’m amateur) Anyways, when I imported a model of a Skybox from a video game and switched viewport shading to texture, only some textures appeared. Afterward, I split the model by the textures and tried adding the textures to the white parts that were seemingly missing them, I realized that it already had them applied, and even after changing them the model stayed white. Can I please get some assistance? This has been happening with other models for me lately as well, such as parts being colors like pink, and applying a texture does nothing. (Also nothing in the properties nothing says it should be pink)
There could be many reasons why your skybox is not showing. Firstly, I want to ask how it looks in the rendered view, because the materials may not all display how you want in texture mode. Also, using the texture mode for the viewport means that Blender will only render the image texture that is selected in the node group, that is, you click on it’s node, and that is what is displayed. If you want to see the actual material, use the material mode instead.
As for the pink textures, they are pink because the textures are pointing to a file that it cannot find (you may have moved the textures to a different folder, deleted them, etc.)
You can easily fix this by going to File > External Data > Find Missing Files, then select the folder that the textures are in. You can also tick “Automatically pack into .blend” so that the textures are saved into the .blend file and so Blender does not depend on external folders and files, as it keeps it’s own copies.
Anyways, in rendered mode, it’s still the same. The bottom has a texture, but the rest doesn’t have the texture that it should. Also, what is a node? (Sorry, as I said I’m amateur)
As you should be able to see, only the bottom appears with the texture, but the dome doesn’t.
Ok, I’ll try fixing the pink textures.
After your help, I was successfully able to get the pink textures to disappear, (at least in material and render viewpoint) which is all that was necessary. But the other problem persists…
It’s still hard to tell with the screenshot supplied. Usually the best way to allow anyone to help is to share the actual .blend file (with the textures packed in, of course).
From what I can see in the screenshot, I can see the ground textured, but is that black blob on top
Now, Blender uses a node based system for its materials and compositor. Nodes are single units that can be connected together, so you may have an image node, connected to a diffuse shader node, and is then connected to the shader output node. This is a simple example for a simple textured material, but Blender’s node system can do much more than that. Now, to edit these nodes, there is a node editor screen. This can be found the same place you can change the screen panel to 3d view, UV editor, etc.
I supplied the link, but that’s all I can do because it’s telling me new users can’t upload file attachments. Here’s more pictures to show you better. (I also have a link to the model download, that could help) This is in the texture tab:
As you can see, the dome displays white despite having a texture applied to it, and changing the material fixes it in material + render mode (render is what matters most), however I can’t figure out how to pick an image from a file to use as a material. (BTW I just figured out that changing the material fixed it as of writing this)
I had a look at the skybox that you linked in the first post. While I could not find the cause of the issue (you are using Blender Internal which I do not have too much experience with - most people use Cycles raytracing engine instead).
That’s good you found a way in the end.
I did however find an alternative way to fix it. It is more complicated than swapping materials, but still useful to know: