Material transmittance question

Hi folks. I have an odd question about material transmittance.

Suppose I have 3 planes, A, B, and C, aligned one behind the other .
Each plane has it’s own material. Plane A is transparent, and planes B, and C each have a different color.
Is there a way to have only Cs material visible through As without changing Bs opacity (or lacation)?
ie: Mat. A allows mat. C through but not mat. B. <—A---<—(Not B)<—<---C

I don’t know, but you’ve piqued my interest as to what on earth you’d need it for.

rwv01 I think you’re asking for subsurface scattering there :slight_smile:

I’m trying to fix a problem with the eyelids on a low poly character model.(The same one the armature rig was for. Thanks again for your help with that!)
I modeled the eye lids as below with them intersecting the eye sphere at the edges.Initially I was going to use a simple eye with just an opaque black spot in the center for a pupil. Later I decided to use pixar style eyes with a clear cornea and recessed iris.
After replacing the eyes I found that when I rotated one up or down enough for the lid to intersect the iris, the part of the lid inside the eye (which is normally obscured) became visible from the out side and can be seen in a close up render. To correct this I could re-model the eyelids (something I dread doing at this point)but before I do I thought I’d explore other options first.

In this diagram A, B, and C correspond to the materials in my previous post.
If you rotate the eye up or down you can see how the lid (where it intersects the eye) could become visable through the cornea.