Materials Not Showing in Game Engine + Game Engine Crash

I have two problems. Before I had the game engine crashing after pressing “P”, the materials simply wouldn’t show on the mesh. Instead I was seeing a silver mesh being displayed in the Idle animation I had set up. After some exploring to solve the problem, I eventually got to the point where the game engine just closes blender down all together at play. I’d really appreciate it if anyone would be able to help. I’ve put the blend file and the 2 images to put on him in here but this is my first time adding images in these forums so I’m not sure if they’ll work with the mesh or not.
Hero(GameLogicProblem)1.blend (2.84 MB)

Hi, what is your version of Blender (I suspect this is an old one because the default selected engine is Blender Render and in recent versions you can’t start BGE if you’re in Blender internal render mode)? I can’t reproduce the crash on 2.76b… We just have to press P?

2.72b is my version, so I’ll go ahead and update. Where you able to get the game engine to play the animation though and the materials show up as their supposed to? Thanks so much for response btw.

Ben, you didn’t pack textures. Animation works fine for me…

Adrian, I can get him to run the animations while in Pose mode just fine and the materials show up just fine, but now I can’t seem to play the game engine at all at pressing P. Does packing the textures have anything to do with that problem?

Change render engine from “Blender Render” to “Blender Game”, lol:D